Monday, April 23, 2007

Unexpected (but good) doctor visit

This time it's Joni. After Ed's radiation treatment today, he saw the radiation oncologist. I felt like I went to class without doing my homework because we didn't know we'd see the doc and Ed's collection of notes sat at home. Basically, the doc was checking in to see how he was doing. His comment was "You're looking better." Don't know what that was based on--maybe these things: 1) the doc seemed surprised that Ed was still just taking Tylenol for pain and then only when he feels the need, 2) the hip pain is lessened thanks to the hip radiation apparently, and 3) Ed stopped using a cane to get around the house and only takes it along on outings. Last week his steriod pills were cut back from 4 per day to 3 per day, and today the doc said to drop to 2 per day. We thought that wouldn't happen until radiation was over, so we're taking it as a good sign. The best part was that on the way home, Ed suggested we stop for ice cream. Since not much food is appealing to him these days, I jumped at the chance to spoil our supper this way. The other surprise today was that the drug he is to go on, Nexavar, is going to be delivered to us tomorrow. We need to be in touch with the oncologist for instructions because we thought he wouldn't have it until next week.