Sunday, April 22, 2007

Weekend update

OK, after the first 4 radiation treatments there appear to be some trends. No probems with the actual radiations, quick and easy. Been getting pretty fatigued, though, the rest of the day. Taste buds out of whack, appetite up and down, indigestion continues (doctor says it's from the steroids), feeling like I'm in a "fog", etc. Wonder if it will accumulate further or level off?

This week will have 5 more daily treatments and a follow-up Urologist visit on Thursday. Oh boy, more medical outings!

Had quite a few visitors this weekend. Sherry and Jeremy came in for the weekend. Ed, Kurt, and Kyle stopped in. Dave was here Friday, Judi stopped, Becky will be here this afternoon, talked to Debbie. Neighbors from both sides stopped by. Everybody offers support, willing to help, etc. Nice. Glad that Joni has this support, she's bearing up well and doing a lot to keep things smooth. I spend a lot of time in my recliner. Watched the OSU spring football game on TV Saturday with several of the visitors and enjoyed that.

Have received 3 gift baskets (fruit, cookies, Tootsie Rolls), many cards and e-mails with prayers and well-wishes, and phone calls from old friends all over the country. Really helpful.

I suppose if there's an update I'll do it mid-week but also could be next weekend. Meanwhile, thanks to all of you.


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